วันอังคารที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2555


Content and Language Integrated
Learning (CLIL)

1.CLIL is flexible and there are many different models depending on a range of contextual factors.  These differences are best seen on a continuum where the learning focus and outcomes differ according to the model adopted. Some examples are as follows:
   • Subject topic/syllabus adapted for teaching in the target language to explore the subject from a different perspective whilst improving foreign language skills is teaching in the target language to explore the subject from different perspectives whilst developing specific foreign language skills. Example: Human Geography through the medium of French (study of Senegal);
    • Cross curricular project which involves both language teachers and subject teachers planning together. An example might be a study on different aspects of eco-citizenship or the global village, fair trade or war & peace;
    • Language teachers developing a more content type approach to theme. This might include taking a typical topic such as house and  home and carrying out a comparative study between house and home in an African country and in an English-speaking western culture;
    • Where it  is possible to re-conceptualise the curriculum in an integrated way, then CLIL might consist of say the study of ‘water’ in a foreign language which is investigated from different  perspectives such as scientific, geographical, historical, current catastrophes, water shortages, water for leisure, poetry, art, drama  and music, linking wherever possible language to space and place;
    • A global project such as those organised by Science Across the World, where identical topics (eg global warming, renewable energy, what we eat, road safety) are studied by learners in different countries and in different languages and then the results compared.

Teach English in Italy With the CLIL Method
    Every country has language teaching trends which ebb and flow with each new scholastic year. However, for those who would like to teach English in Italy and those who currently teach in the country, it is especially important to stay current of the newest concepts and methods in education. Landing a good job or renewing a contract might depend on a teacher's commitment to staying informed.
One of the newest techniques to hit the academic scene in Italy is the C.L.I.L. method.
Content and Language Integrated Learning, or CLIL as it's more commonly known, is essentially a standard classroom subject, such as science, taught in English (or another target language) rather than the first language of the learners (in this case Italian). In CLIL classes, tasks are engineered to allow students to focus on and learn to use English as they learn the new subject content.
At some Italian universities, half of the required courses are taught solely in English. These policies are becoming more commonplace. In fact, many P.O.N. projects have been approved for CLIL courses in some southern regions of Italy.

Example practice teaching CLIL video

CLIL materials often have very much visual support to help adhere meaning, thereby allowing lower-level language students to comprehend high-level content. The materials support the students' focus on the English language they need to learn about a particular subject. Teachers and collaborators usually choose a lesson's language based on its function and efficiency in relaying the subject's main content.
Those who want to teach English in Italy should do some research before enrolling in a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) program. Select one that gives a concept overview and reviews some resources for CLIL teachers. That way, obtaining jobs teaching English in Italy with more potential will be easier.
For those who currently teach English in Italy, it's important to be aware of CLIL projects in your region and province, and to take advantage of opportunities to get more experience and information. Knowledge of the newest methods in language learning will be yet another way to convince employers (especially public schools) to ignore the competition and renew your contract.

Example practice teaching CLIL video




